The Biggest Threats to Healthcare Cybersecurity—What You Should Look For

The healthcare industry relies heavily on technology and interconnected systems to deliver efficient and quality care to patients. However, this reliance comes with a risky price—the price of cybersecurity threats. Are you prepared to handle the growing concern of savvy criminals? In this blog, we will explore some of the biggest threats to healthcare cybersecurity, why they should be at the top of your radar and how you can mitigate these risks.

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks pose a significant threat to healthcare cybersecurity. These attacks involve gaining access to critical data and systems, rending them inaccessible and then requiring a ransom to be paid to get access back. The healthcare sector is an attractive target to cybercriminals due to the nature of patient care and the urge to restore order quickly. These attacks will typically result in significant disruption to operations, a breach in patient confidentiality and even compromise patient safety. To combat ransomware attacks, healthcare organizations must prioritize backing up their systems and data, network segmentation and developing a robust plan to train employees to recognize and prevent phishing attempts through emails.

IoT Vulnerabilities

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized healthcare by enabling things such as remote patient monitoring, smart medical devices and interconnected systems. However, with this rapid adoption of IoT devices, vulnerabilities have become more relevant in healthcare security today. Inadequately secured IoT devices can serve as access points for savvy cybercriminals to gain access to pertinent patient data. Ensuring that your IoT devices are securely configured, regularly updated with the latest security patches and segregated from your critical network infrastructure alleviates the potential impact of a breach.

Data Breaches and Identity Theft

The healthcare industry handles a vast amount of sensitive patient data, making it an approachable target for data breaches and identity theft. Cybercriminals can steal personal information and use it for fraudulent activities—like selling it on the dark web to the highest bidder. The consequences of data breaches and theft can go beyond just financial losses. They can destroy patient trust, damage the reputation of the organization and can lead to legal and regulatory consequences. Prioritizing advanced security measures can help to mitigate these unwarranted attacks.

Lack of Security Governance and Compliance

Failure to adhere to regulatory standards and best practices, especially within the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), can result in severe penalties and legal fees. Healthcare organizations must establish a robust security governance framework to ensure compliance and that a strong security posture is maintained.

Are You Prepared?

The healthcare industry faces a variety of cybersecurity threats that can have catastrophic consequences. From ransomware to IoT vulnerabilities to data breaches and lack of compliance—these all pose as a significant risk to healthcare security. Do you have a plan to combat these risks?

Secure Network Services can help you better prepare to mitigate these threats by offering advanced healthcare cybersecurity services. With our capabilities and knowledge, we can ensure these attacks never occur and you continue to provide top-of-the-line patient care without fear. Let’s fortify your cybersecurity and get you where you need to be. Schedule a time to discuss today!


Businesses with SOC 2 compliance successfully complete regular third-party audits for advanced security controls around data availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.