Mitigating Risks in IT Budgeting: Building Contingencies in an Age of Uncertainty
Effective IT budgeting is not just about allocating funds to various projects and initiatives. It’s also about recognizing that uncertainties and risks are inherent in the process. To ensure the success of your IT projects and the overall health of your organization,...
Dark Web Cybersecurity in Lakeland – 5 Ways to Stay Proactive and Secure
At Secure Network Services, we see all too frequently hardworking businesses just like yours halted in their tracks due to cybersecurity breaches stemming from the dark web. Cybercrimes are surging, as a result of our technological advancements and the digital era we...
3 Good Reasons to Consider Co-Managed Services
Co-managed services are the IT support sweet spot. While you and your employees focus on your clients and growing your business, a third-party managed service provider (MSP) handles routine maintenance and monitoring without you having to surrender total control of...
4 Types of a Data Breach You Want to Avoid And Why You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan in Orlando
If you were hit with a data breach, would you know? It seems like a silly question, but companies take an average of more than 190 days to identify a data breach. Imagine the damage a hacker could inflict on your business in that time! Considering that the average...